Selection of Local Restaurant by Consumers in Phuket Province
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The purposes of this research are: 1) to study the personal factors of consumers choose local restaurant in Phuket Province, 2) to study the consumption factors of local restaurant in Phuket Province, 3) to study the factors of marketing mix in the local restaurant in Phuket Province, 4) to compare the level of importance of the marketing mix factors in the local restaurant in Phuket Province classify by personal factors of respondents, 5) to compare the level of importance of the marketing mix factors in the consumers' use of local restaurant in Phuket Province classify according to the use of local restaurants , and 6) presenting guidelines for local restaurant development Phuket Province. A sample group of 400 people and local restaurant operators Phuket has 16 cases. The research instruments are questionnaires and interviews. The statistics are use for data analysis frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, one-way analysis of variance and analyze descriptive data.
The research was found that as follows : 1) most consumers were female, aged 36-40 years, have a bachelor's degree, by were being a private company employee, with estimated income 10,001–20,000 baht and they domiciled in Phuket. 2) Choosing to used local restaurants, it was found that most of the consumers chose be to consume local food,because of their unique identity and different from conventional food. The only food that was commonly being consumed Hokkien fried noodles. As for the main food and side dishes that were commonly being consumed Stir Fried Liang Bai with Shrimp Roe for the popular savory snack was Hu Shae, the sweet snacks were using Gosui and the popular desserts to be consumed Oh Aew. Most of them consume local food once a month and was paying approximately 901- 1,300 baht for each meal. 3) Consumers value the overall were marketing mix at a high level. The sides were in descending order, local food, price, construction personnel and physical presentation and distribution service marketing promotion. 4) Compare the level of importance of the marketing mix factors in the consumers will have been using of local restaurants. Phuket Province was found that gender, age, education level, occupation, average monthly income and different domiciles pay attention to the factors of marketing mix no difference except the sexes were not different with statistical significance at the .05 level. 5) Compare the level of importance of the marketing mix factors in the consumers wiil have been using of local restaurants. Phuket Province was found that the reasons for consuming local food popular types of local food popular local food items frequency of local food consumption and the cost of consumption per time was different. Pay attention to the factors of marketing mix. There was no statistically significant difference at the .05 level. And 6) guidelines for local restaurant development Phuket Province were to selecting raw materials directly from the producer source ,in order to maintain freshness and quality. In addition, a standard price threshold should be set was suitable for the quality of local food and should be increased distribution channels. They could be ordered online and were also advisable to advertise through various media such as websites or other media in order to disseminate customers to knew more restaurants. It should be also focus on training employees to recognized the importance of service. Focus on educating employees will have been service skills. At the same time, the restaurant should be designed to be unique, easy to remember and technology should be adopted, for example in the matter was receiving food orders to achieve accuracy, speed and error prevention.
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