The Development of Multimedia Teaching Material for Floral Embroidery Brooches Pined in Lady's Clothes for Nakhon Laung Polytechnic College Students

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Anupong Poosiekeaw
Chayapat Kee-ariyo
Nomjit Suteebut


The purposes of this research are  : 1) effectiveness teaching of multimedia teaching material for floral embroidery brooches pined in lady's clothes for Nakhon Laung Polytechnic College,2) the assessing is effectiveness teaching of multimedia teaching material for floral embroidery brooches pined in lady's clothes for Nakhon Laung Polytechnic College, and 3) a study of student is satisfaction with   teaching of multimedia teaching material for floral embroidery brooches pined in lady's clothes for Nakhon Laung Polytechnic College. The population is the short-term student enrolled in the second semester of the 2020 academic year in Fabric Craft about 35. The instruments use in this research include multimedia teaching materials, practice test, multimedia performance assessment form and satisfaction assessment form (questionnaires).The statistics use in this study include average and the standard deviation.

                The research found that as follows: 1) effectiveness teaching of multimedia teaching material for floral embroidery brooches pined in lady's clothes for Nakhon Laung Polytechnic College were 80.17/ 87.31 which was higher than the specified criteria. 2) The opinion assessment teaching of multimedia teaching material for floral embroidery brooches pined in lady's clothes for Nakhon Laung Polytechnic College that it was appropriate, possibility and usefulness was at the highest level in all aspects.3) Student satisfaction with  teaching of multimedia teaching material for floral embroidery brooches pined in lady's clothes for Nakhon Laung Polytechnic College at that was the highest level in all aspects. 

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How to Cite
Poosiekeaw, A. ., Kee-ariyo, C. . ., & Suteebut, N. . . (2023). The Development of Multimedia Teaching Material for Floral Embroidery Brooches Pined in Lady’s Clothes for Nakhon Laung Polytechnic College Students. Journal Of Technical Education Development, 35(125), 51. retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biographies

Anupong Poosiekeaw, Faculty of Home Economics Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon 

Student, Master of Home Economics, Home Economics, Faculty of Home Economics Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon 

Chayapat Kee-ariyo, Faculty of Home Economics Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon  

Teacher, Master of Home Economics, Home Economics, Faculty of Home Economics Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon  

Nomjit Suteebut, Faculty of Home Economics Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon  

Teacher, Master of Home Economics, Home Economics, Faculty of Home Economics Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon  


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