The Influence of the Welfare Style and Motivating Factors on Organizational Commitment
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In this study investigates a level, relationship, and affection of the welfare style and motivating factors to organizational commitment of the contracted university staff in autonomous university with the model had developed by the researchers. The sample population consisted of 417 the contracted university staffs in autonomous university. Data were collected by means of questionnaires. The reliability coefficient was found in range 0.853-0.962. Construct validity was confirmed by an application of confirmatory factor analysis and analyses were conducted yielding direct, indirect, and total effect. The validity of the Influence of the welfare style and motivating factors on organizational commitment under study was confirmed through testing the goodness of fit between the model and the empirical data collected. Structural equation analysis was also applied by extrapolating the linear structural relationship technique in its statistical compact software. The study results indicated that a level of the welfare style, motivating factors, organizational commitment were moderate and the model was consistent with the pertinent empirical data. Goodness of fit measures were found to be Chi-square (X2) = 23.651; degrees of freedom (df) = 15; probability value = .071; goodness of fit index = .986; and root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) = .037. The organizational commitment factor was direct affected by motivating factors and the welfare style at the beta .537 and .063 consequently and indirect affected by the welfare style through motivating factors at beta .258 with the significant level at p = .001. Finally, the variables in the model were determined to be explanatory of 33 percent of the variance in the organizational commitment.
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