The events for public relations in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
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The events for public relations in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or it call “Digital” is equipment in public relation, and access target audience is one more method establish participation in activity for bring about to successively acceptance concept by dint of the mass communication to publicize in popular digital age. The member must understand, and access presentation activity creates stimulant and use systemically presentation exact method in media by taking into account actions recipients of the substance. The events for public relations in the Fourth Industrial Revolution just not creates recognition, but it has occasion to target audience into, they participate society by dint of the mass communication apply the events for public relations in each type of the events for public relations in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It is perfectly answer life style.
Importance of the events for public relations is communication in the celebrity of organization, organization image, and social media is organization by dint of the evaluate “worthiness and expenditure or call Event ROI (Event Return on Investment style is evaluate remuneration in evaluate highly capability the advertising of public relation)”. The Event ROI has 4 principles evaluate, for example objective, participants (the evaluate amounts member into events), media coverage (the evaluate of events form mass communication), and communication (it is the transmission of each types in event has evaluate).
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