The Application Development for Rendering in 3D Animation

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Shongchai Ubonpheun


The objectives of this research are  1) to develop application software for rendering works in MAYA program. 2) to evaluate satisfaction of users of application software for rendering works in MAYA program. The target group of this research was 15 persons who were directly responsible for rendering obtained by using purposive sample from 4 companies providing animation production in Thailand including Big Brain Pictures Company, Digiforest VFX Company, Kantana Post Production Company, and Kantana Animation Studios Company. Tools used for evaluating satisfaction were : 1) application software for rendering works in MAYA program ; 2) Satisfaction Evaluation form for measuring users who are render works in MAYA program. The researcher utilized Program Development Life Cycle (PDLC) by using Mel Script Editor in MAYA program for developing application software. The results showed that the total mean of satisfaction of users of application software for rendering works in MAYA program was 4.42 with Standard Deviation of 0.74 that was in high level of satisfaction. This application software was able to improve accuracy of rendering while reducing time consumption.  

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How to Cite
Ubonpheun, S. . (2023). The Application Development for Rendering in 3D Animation . Journal Of Technical Education Development, 30(105), 74. retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Shongchai Ubonpheun, บริษัทกันตนาแอนิเมชัน

CG supervisor Visual effects บริษัทกันตนาแอนิเมชัน


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