The Project Evaluation of Enhancement Student Ordinary National Education Test (O-NET) of Chonburi Primary Education Service Area Office 2
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The study aimed to 1) study the needs of development and helping students, 2) to evaluate the school records, 3) to evaluate the practicing behaviors, 4) to study the affected results to the students and 5) to study the satisfaction of this project. The population used in this study were 300 teachers,125 school directors, 272 Prathomsuksa 6 and 87 mathayomsuksa 3 students of Chonburi Primary Education Service Area Office 2.The project instruments were 1) an interview, 2) the pre- post test scores, 3) a practicing behaviors observation, 4) the Ordinary National Educational Test (O-NET) scores and 5) a satisfaction questionnaire.
The results showed that 1) the teacher should teach in their majors and prepare various teaching materials. 2) The students’ achievement on Pre O-NET after being joined the project was higher than before statistically at the 0.05 level of significance. 3) The practicing behaviors were always done. 4) The average Ordinary National Educational Test (O-NET) scores of academic year 2015 were higher than 2014 and 5) the overall aspects of the project satisfaction were high level.
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