A Development of Vocational Education Administration Model for Industrial Technician Under Thailand Policy 4.0

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Sarojn Kojuantiew


The study of "The Development of Vocational Education Industrial Technology under Thailand 4.0" aims to develop a model that can be used to manage vocational education for technical Industrial effectively under Thailand 4.0 policy by using mixed methodology research analyzing the documents and using the questionnaires. The sample were 350 technical Industrial vocational college administrators, including; technical colleges, poly technical colleges, and industrial and community education colleges. There were 325 vocational colleges under the Office of Vocational Education Commission. The statistics used for this analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Path analysis or PAL analysis (Path Analysis with LISREL) of each component and indicator using LISREL 8.80 program. Education management and causal factors affecting the success of vocational education in vocational education under Thailand 4.0 policy under the CIPP (CIPP Model). There are 4 aspects: 1) Industrial vocational 2) administrators 3) process 4) success of management. Model of Vocational Education Administration Industrial technician under Thailand 4.0 policy, there are 9 types of development : 1) development of vocational 4.0 contexts, 2) development of industrial skills, 3) setting of goals and strategies for 10 target industries. 4) management with effective technology system. 5) design of Thailand 4.0 policy response project. 6) improve structure to accommodate changes. 7) development of internal school management process. 8) development of educational administrators as leaders 4.0 9) to achieve administrative success.

The results of the model evaluation were developed as a whole with the highest average scores. It was found that the form of technical Industrial vocational college administration under Thailand 4.0, the most likely is the suitability, consistency, and usefulness, respectively.

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How to Cite
Kojuantiew, S. . (2023). A Development of Vocational Education Administration Model for Industrial Technician Under Thailand Policy 4.0. Journal Of Technical Education Development, 30(105), 54. retrieved from https://so09.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jted/article/view/1098
Research Article
Author Biography

Sarojn Kojuantiew



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