Iconographical and Analytical Study: The Innovative Evolution of the Burmese Buddhist Art in Early Konbaung Period (1753-1782)


  • Ven. Pannajota Mahidol University, Thailand


Buddha Images, Burmese Art, Early Konbaung Period, Evolution


Previous researchers in Myanmar have compatibly asserted about the art of Buddha images produced during the early Konbaung period. U Maung Maung Tin (M.A.) and U Win Maung (Tampawady) in 1983, Than Tun (Mawlamyine) in 2013, and Maung Maung Siri in 2019 proclaimed that the art of early Konbaung images relied on the second Ava called Nyaungyan style in Myanmar[1]. Nevertheless, none of them stated in depth nor analyzed stylistically about the early Konbaung images in their papers. In order to fulfil a gap of knowledge, the researcher, in this study, criticizes whether the Buddhist art of the early Konbaung images relied on the Nyaungyan art completely or partially, what evidences are there to verify, and whether it is true that there was no innovative evolution during the early Konbaung period or not. In sum, this research is a qualitative research based on the evidences collected by  data gathered by pragmatic observation and documentation. Research framework is organized with the chronological analysis, iconographic analysis and comparative analysis of data. It is supported with by Erwin Panofsky’s method of Iconography and Iconology. The different types, iconographic style and specific characteristics of the early Konbaung images indicated the innovative evolution of the Burmese Buddhist art during early Konbaung period as the evidences.


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How to Cite

Pannajota, V. . (2021). Iconographical and Analytical Study: The Innovative Evolution of the Burmese Buddhist Art in Early Konbaung Period (1753-1782). Journal of International Buddhist Studies, 12(1), 01–20. retrieved from https://so09.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jibs/article/view/2557


