Strengthening Attitudes Towards the Emergence of Democratic Political Values
Attitude, Political Values, DemocracyAbstract
This article aims to present the concept of enhancing attitudes to the emergence of political values as a process that links good attitudes to sustainable political values. Creating a correct understanding of the political system, law, rights and duties of citizens will help people have a good knowledge base, promoting rational political decision-making. The process consists of creating political knowledge and understanding to understand the democratic political system and human rights. Promoting experiences through participation helps create a sense of connection with society and creates attitudes that support responsibility in performing civic duties. Openness in exchanging opinions is accepting different opinions. Enhancing morality in political expression helps political expression to be constructive. Constructive conflict management allows people in society to move forward with cooperation and respect for each other. There are three important factors that create the process of political value formation: “understanding, awareness, and practice”. It can be said that it is a process that creates political values from the perception with understanding to the emergence of democratic consciousness and implementation to create real results.
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