Administrators’ Competencies Affecting to School Administration towards School’s Excellence under Nakhon Pathom Secondary Educational Service Area Office


  • Suttirut Khonyai Thonburi University
  • Patomporn Indrangkura na Ayudthya Thonburi University
  • Wichain Intarasompun Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University


School Administrators’ Competencies, School Administration towards School’s Excellence, Nakhon Pathom Secondary Educational Service Area Office


This research aimed to: 1) examine the competency levels of school administrators, 2) assess the level of excellence in school management, and  3) identify the competencies of school administrators that influence excellence in school management in schools under the Nakhon Pathom Secondary Educational Service Area Office. This study employed a quantitative research methodology. The sample consisted of 331 teachers selected from a population of 1,924 individuals. Data were collected using a questionnaire. Statistical analyses included percentage, mean, standard deviation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis.

The findings revealed that: 1) The overall competency level of school administrators under the Nakhon Pathom Secondary Educational Service Area Office was high. 2) The overall level of excellence in school management in schools under the Nakhon Pathom Secondary Educational Service Area Office was also high. 3) The competency of school administrators was positively correlated with excellence in school management in schools under the Nakhon Pathom Secondary Educational Service Area Office, with statistical significance at the 0.01 level. These competencies collectively predicted 70.80% of excellence in school management. The predictive variables, ranked in descending order of influence, were personnel development (X8), vision (X9), communication and motivation (X7), goal orientation (X1), quality service (X2), and analytical and synthetic thinking (X6). These variables collectively accounted for 71.30% of the variance in excellence in school management (R²=0.713).


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How to Cite

Khonyai, S., Indrangkura na Ayudthya, P. ., & Intarasompun, W. (2024). Administrators’ Competencies Affecting to School Administration towards School’s Excellence under Nakhon Pathom Secondary Educational Service Area Office. Journal of Peace Periscope, 5(2), 76–88. retrieved from