The Role of Community Leaders in Managing the 2019 Coronavirus Pandemic: Case study, Ban Tha Sa-torn, Tung Mo Sub-district, Sadao District, Songkhla Province
Community Leadership Roles in Management, Covid-19, SongkhlaAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1) to study the people's opinions on the role of management. Covid-19 epidemic of community leaders, Tha Sa-torn, Thung Mo sub-district, Sadao district, Songkhla province (2) to compare public opinion on the management of community leaders' Covid-19 epidemic. Tha Sa-Torn, Thung Mo Sub-district, Sadao District, Songkhla Province. In this research method, the researcher used a mix method. between quantitative and qualitative research The questionnaire was used as a research tool for analysis. By determining the sample size using Taro Yamane's formula, the sample size was 280 people. The statistics used in the research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, F-test and LSD (Least Significant Difference Test)
The results of the research were found that (1) The sample's opinions on the role of community leaders Tha Sa-torn in the management of the Covid-19 pandemic were positive. Due to the actions of community leaders that resulted in people learning new knowledge and live more safely. (2) In the management of the Covid-19 pandemic, the two above-mentioned aspects, classified by gender, showed differing opinions. The comparisons between males and females were significantly different at the 0.05 level the most, classified by age. It was found that the comparisons between the ages of 18-25 and over 35 had significant differences. Statistics at the 0.05 level the most, classified by occupation, it was found that the comparison between farmers and company employees There was a statistically significant difference at the 0.05 level the most. and the average monthly income level, it was found that the pairwise comparison did not find any difference.
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