Public opinion towards the administration according to the good governance of Mae Hia Municipality Mueang, Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai Province
public opinion, administration, good governanceAbstract
The objectives of this research were to 1) study the people's opinions towards the administration according to the good governance of Mae Hia Municipality. Mueang Chiang Mai District 2) A comparative study of the level of people's opinion towards the administration according to the principles of good governance. quantitative research The sampling population used in this research was 400 people residing in Mae Hia municipality as eligible voters. The results showed that
The results showed that The public opinion towards the administration according to the good governance of Mae Hia Municipality in the overall 6 aspects was at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the jurisprudence aspect, the value proposition morality Responsibility The principle of participation and the principle of transparency The results of gender, age, education, occupation were different. The public opinion towards the administration according to the good governance of Mae Hia Municipality in the overall 6 aspects found no difference.
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