The Application of Buddhadhamma to Promote the Administration of the Mae Taeng Area Revenue Office Mae Taeng District Chiang Mai Province
Management, Revenue Office, Principles of Sangha Vatthu 4Abstract
This research aims to: 1) Study the management level of the Mae Tang Branch of the Revenue Department, 2) Compare the application of Buddhist principles to enhance the management of the office according to personal factors, and 3) Propose guidelines for applying Buddhist principles in the management of the office. The research employs a mixed-methods approach: 1) Quantitative research through a survey using a questionnaire with a sample of 350 people, analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and 2) Qualitative research through in-depth interviews with 9 key informants, with data analyzed using descriptive content analysis.
The findings reveal that: 1) The overall management of the office is at a high level, 2) The application of Buddhist principles in management does not significantly differ according to personal factors at a 0.05 statistical significance level, and 3) Guidelines for applying Buddhist principles include: 1. Setting policies and plans to achieve objectives and participate in community activities, 2. Implementation to create a more flexible and improved organization, 3. Control and monitoring to enhance a positive organizational culture and effective financial management, and 4. Evaluation to foster a fairer and more valuable society and organization, including improving understanding of Buddhist principles and creating an appropriate environment.
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