Creative Volunteer Creation Model for Good Citizenship in Thai Society


  • Hathaiphat Tungkula School of Administrative Studies ,Maejo University
  • Aunyarat Chengka School of Administrative Studies ,Maejo University


good citizenship , volunteer, social responsibility


Having the public mind of Thai citizens in society encourages Thai citizens to realize their responsibility towards the society as a whole. Emphasis is placed on the development of citizens to have a public mind for society and range skills. Including responsibility for the public environmental resources in society. To encourage Thai citizens in society to have a public mind, there must be a form of polishing children and youth in society in order to create a creative volunteer spirit. Within the society, there should be factors contributing to the promotion of important public consciousness, such as organizing activities that emphasize participation. regulation A learning resource that is conducive to character development in many areas, such as citizenship, a model for public service in society, as well as being a good model for children and youth to be people with a public mind for the benefit of the community. For the society as a whole and in order to be an effective citizen in Thai society, be a citizen who is an important human resource of the country in the future with desirable characteristics that will benefit the public as much as possible.


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How to Cite

Tungkula, H., & Chengka , A. (2020). Creative Volunteer Creation Model for Good Citizenship in Thai Society. Journal of Peace Periscope, 1(1), 52–67. retrieved from