The declaration of stateism that affected citizenship in the period of Field Marshal Pibulsongkram


  • Deeprom Jainoi Political Science School of Administrative Studies Maejo University


Stateism, Citizenship, Field Marshal Pibulsongkram


During the period of Marshal pibulsongkram's government, which influenced the duties of modern citizens, marshal pibulsongkram. The name of the country, the national flag and the name of the country are respected and protected. Consumer goods used by Thais agricultural products and meat produced in Thailand. Thais sing the national anthem, inviting Thais to sing the national anthem, books about language and Thailand, about civic responsibility. Daily affairs of Thai people, daily affairs of Thai people, protection of children, Thais or disabled. The purpose of this study is to develop a country's development. Pibulsongkram makes Thailand a strong country, such as Europe, the United States and Japan, but due to the demand for screens. Pibulsongkram wants to succeed too soon, affecting the lives of Thai citizens and the second country. Until now.


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How to Cite

Jainoi, D. (2020). The declaration of stateism that affected citizenship in the period of Field Marshal Pibulsongkram. Journal of Peace Periscope, 1(1), 11–26. retrieved from