Administrator's Competencies Affecting Effectiveness of Schools under the Pathumthani Secondary Education Service Area Office 1


  • Somporn Sakda Master of Education Department of Educational Administration of Thonburi University
  • Supattarasak Khumsamart Master of Education Department of Educational Administration of Thonburi University


Administrator's Competencies, the Effectiveness of Schools, Pathum Thani Primary Educational Services Area Office 1


This research aims to investigate: 1) level of administrator's competencies, 2) level of the effectiveness of school and 3) the administrator's competencies affecting the effectiveness of schools under the Pathum Thani primary educational services area office 1. The samples used in the study were school administrators and teachers 333 people from a population of 1,980 people by stratified random sampling of the population. The researcher instruments were a questionnaire. The statistics used in the data analysis were percentage, mean and standard deviation and multiple regression analysis.

The results indicated that 1) level of administrator's competencies under the Pathum Thani primary educational services area office 1 was at a high level, considering each aspect was found global awareness competency has the highest average (equation=4.31, S.D.=0.76), 2) level of the effectiveness of school under the Pathum Thani primary educational services area office 1 was at a high level, considering each aspect was found obligation of school had obviousness and was at a high level (equation=4.31,S.D.=0.73) and 3) the administrator's competencies affecting the effectiveness of schools under the Pathum Thani primary educational services area office 1 has statistical significance at the 0.1 level and multiple correlations equal .920. The factors that could predict the effectiveness of schools were competency of strategic thinking (x4), competency of self-management (x6), competency of planning and management (x5), competency of global awareness (x2) and competency of teamwork (x3). These factors were factors that affecting the effectiveness of schools under the Pathum Thani primary educational services area office 1 has statistical significance at the 0.1 level and could predict the effectiveness of schools under the Pathum Thani primary educational services area office 1 was 84.00 percent.


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How to Cite

Sakda, S., & Khumsamart, S. (2024). Administrator’s Competencies Affecting Effectiveness of Schools under the Pathumthani Secondary Education Service Area Office 1 . Journal of Peace Periscope, 5(2), 1–14. retrieved from