Relationship Between Service-type Leadership of Administrators and Quality of Life of Teachers in the Primary Educational Services Office, Samut Prakan Province Area 2


  • Rangsiya Saentaweesuk Master of Education Department of Educational Administration of Thonburi University
  • Supattarasak Khumsamart Master of Education Department of Educational Administration of Thonburi University


Service-type Leadership, Quality of Life of Teachers, Primary Educational Services Office


This research aims to investigate: 1) the service-type leadership of administrators in the Primary Educational Services Office, Samut Prakan Province Area 2, 2) the quality of life of teachers in the Primary Educational Services Office, Samut Prakan Province Area 2, and 3) the relationship between the service-type leadership of administrators and the quality of life of teachers in the Primary Educational Services Office, Samut Prakan Province Area 2. The study utilized a sample group of 315 teachers in the Primary Educational Services Office, Samut Prakan Province Area 2, during the academic year 2565. The research employed a survey questionnaire. Statistical analyses included percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson's Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient.

The findings reveal that: 1) The overall service-type leadership of administrators in the Primary Educational Services Office, Samut Prakan Province Area 2, is at a high level. 2) The overall quality of life for teachers in the Primary Educational Services Office, Samut Prakan Province Area 2 is at a high level. 3) There is a statistically significant relationship between the service-type leadership of administrators and the quality of life of teachers in the Primary Educational Services Office, Samut Prakan Province Area 2 (r=0.51, Sig=0.00). When examining specific dimensions, the relationship is strongest in the area of service provision (r=0.57, Sig=0.00), followed by being a good listener (r=0.56, Sig=0.00), while the vision for the future is the weakest (r=0.44, Sig=0.00).


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How to Cite

Saentaweesuk, R., & Khumsamart, S. (2024). Relationship Between Service-type Leadership of Administrators and Quality of Life of Teachers in the Primary Educational Services Office, Samut Prakan Province Area 2. Journal of Peace Periscope, 5(1), 57–70. retrieved from