Relationship Between 21st Century Leadership Skills of School Administrators and Academic Management of Schools in the Southern Krungthon Group under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration


  • Urairat Hantongchai Graduate school, Thonburi University
  • Kris Kittitanus Graduate school, Thonburi University


21st Century Leadership Skills, Academic Management, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration


The objectives of this research are 1) to study the level of 21st-century leadership skills of school administrators in the Southern Krungthon Group under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, 2) to study the level of academic management of schools in the Southern Krungthon Group under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, and 3) to examine the relationship between 21st-century leadership skills of school administrators and academic management of schools in the Southern Krungthon Group under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. The sample group consisted of 350 teachers in schools in the Southern Krungthon Group under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration in the 2022 academic year. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using statistical software to find frequencies, percentages, averages, standard deviations, and test correlations between variables using Pearson's correlation.

The research findings indicate that: 1) The level of 21st-century leadership skills of school administrators in the Southern Krungthon Group under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration is high overall. When considering specific aspects, each aspect is rated as high. The highest average score is related to critical thinking skills, followed by creative thinking skills and collaboration skills. The lowest average score is related to communication skills. 2) The level of academic management of schools in the Southern Krungthon Group under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration is at a high level overall. When considering specific aspects, each aspect is rated as high. The highest average score is related to academic planning, assessment and evaluation, and credit transfer. The lowest average score is related to teaching and learning management within the school. 3) The analysis results indicate that 21st-century leadership skills have a positive and statistically significant relationship at the .01 level with academic management of schools in the Southern Krungthon Group under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, with a correlation coefficient of .777.


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How to Cite

Hantongchai, U., & Kittitanus, K. (2024). Relationship Between 21st Century Leadership Skills of School Administrators and Academic Management of Schools in the Southern Krungthon Group under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Journal of Peace Periscope, 5(1), 32–44. retrieved from