Buddhadhamma Integrating to Promote Political Participation in the General Election of Nakhon Ratchasima Province Province


  • Natthakarn Hongkulaset Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya


Participation, General Election, Buddhadhamma


The main aims of this research article encompass threefold: firstly, to examine the overall conditions; secondly, to investigate the level of participation; and thirdly, to elucidate the incorporation of Buddhist principles to enhance public engagement in the general election of Nakhon Ratchasima Province. This study adopts a comprehensive research approach, combining both quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative research component involved a sample group of 400 eligible voters aged 18 years and above. Data collection was conducted through the administration of questionnaires, and subsequent analysis employed statistical measures such as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. On the other hand, the qualitative research segment entailed conducting in-depth interviews with key informants, as well as analyzing data derived from 10 selected monks or individuals, utilizing content analysis techniques.

The research findings indicate that 1) There are general conditions that contribute to the exercise of the right to vote. These conditions include proximity to the people in the area, effective political communication, positive public relations, and a favorable attitude towards politics. Furthermore, participation in political parties allows for the expression of opinions in policy formulation. Overall, the level of these conditions is high. 2) The study reveals that the political participation of individuals is influenced by their understanding of politics. Through the development and acquisition of political knowledge, individuals engage in activities associated with political parties and adopt a particular political attitude. This attitude is shaped by the beliefs of those close to them and emphasizes respect for each other's rights. Moreover, there is a focus on education and learning of political principles and guidelines. Overall, the level of political participation is high. 3) The integration of Buddhist principles has been identified as a means to promote political participation among citizens during general elections. By applying the principles of Aparihaniyadhamma 7, it was observed that meetings were conducted harmoniously and adjourned in unity. Additionally, there is a strong emphasis on following the resolutions of the political party, respecting elders, treating each other with respect, and adhering to regulations.


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How to Cite

Hongkulaset, N. (2024). Buddhadhamma Integrating to Promote Political Participation in the General Election of Nakhon Ratchasima Province Province. Journal of Peace Periscope, 5(1), 17–31. retrieved from https://so09.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPP/article/view/3220