Model for Enhancing Youth’s Morals and Ethics Based on Lanna Proverbs Chaing Mai Province
Morals and Ethics, Lanna Proverbs, Enhancement ModelAbstract
This article has three goals: to analyze Lanna's teachings on youth morality, study youth behavior, and create a model for enhancing morality. The study used questionnaires, interviews, and group discussions with 300 youths and 10 experts. Quantitative data was analyzed with computer programs, while qualitative data was analyzed with content analysis. Statistical techniques included percentages, means, standard deviations, and t-tests.
The study shows that Lanna teachings are mainly conveyed through proverbs, considered a valuable source of wisdom for young people. These teachings aim to promote positive principles and enhance the well-being of the youth in various areas. These aspects include their attitudes and understanding of things, living conditions, social relationships, and mental state and emotions. In terms of the morality and ethics of the youth, the overall level was found to be moderate, with a mean score of (=3.47), when considering each aspect individually. Among the different aspects, Sacrifice received the highest mean score of (
=3.66), followed by Responsibility with a mean score of (
=3.49), and Discipline with the lowest mean score of (
=3.37).The model incorporates three formats known as the 3 Hs: Head activities, which involve cognitive activities, Buddhist range; Heart activities, which focus on emotional and psychological aspects, mental range; and Hand activities, which emphasize practical skills. The results of the experiment conducted using this model were found to be in line with the action plan. Additionally, the pre- and post-trial assessment revealed significantly higher ratings post-trial, with a statistical significance level of .01. Moreover, the adolescent participants expressed high satisfaction with the initiative.
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