The The Opinions of Inmates' Relatives on the Quality of Service at Chaiya Prison Chaiya District, Surat Thani Province
Opinions of Inmates’ Relatives, Service Quality, PrisonAbstract
The objectives of this research were, 1) to study the level of opinions of relatives of inmates towards the service quality of Chaiya Prison, Chaiya District, Surat Thani Province, 2) to compare the opinions of relatives of inmates towards the service quality of Chaiya Prison, Chaiya District, Surat Thani Province. is a quantitative research The population used in this study were 400 visiting relatives of the inmates in Chaiya Prison. The tool used was a questionnaire. The statistics used in the research are: The distribution of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and statistical values were obtained by means of a one- way variance (T- test) (One- Way ANOVA), with statistical significance set at the .05 level.
The results showed that, 1) Opinions of relatives visiting prisoners Overall, it was at the highest level. Sorted from the most valuable to the least, namely, the service personnel. service process public relations Facilities 2) From a comparative study of the level of opinions of inmates' relatives toward the service quality of Chaiya Prison, Chaiya District, Surat Thani Province. Individually, including age, education level, occupation, different visit times. There were differences in gender, status, average monthly income. no difference with a statistical significance of .05 and the suggestion should increase the duration of visiting the prisoners As for the location, there should be more space for parking cars. Motorcycle to be more orderly.
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