Buddhadhamma Intergration for Promoting Quality of People’s Service of Nong Phueng Subdistrict Minicapality in Saraphi District, Chiang Mai Province
Quality Promotion, Service, Sangkhahawatthu 4Abstract
The objectives of this research article,1) to study the level of public service quality promotion of Nong Phueng Sub-district Municipality, Saraphi District, Chiang Mai Province, 2) to study the relationship between the Sangahavatthus 4 principle and public service quality promotion, and 3) to study the problem. Obstacles and suggestions for ways to promote the quality of public service It is an integrated research method. between quantitative research and qualitative research in quantitative research the sample group was 390 public service recipients of Nong Phueng Subdistrict Municipality. Data were collected by questionnaires. analyze data the statistical values were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Pearson's correlation coefficient, t-test, F-test, qualitative research by in-depth interviews with 11 key informants/people. Data were analyzed by content analysis technique.
The results of the study showed that 1) the level of promoting the quality of public services of Nong Phueng Sub-district Municipality, Saraphi District, Chiang Mai Province, including the Sankhahavatthus 4 Principle, was generally at a high level. and the promotion of public service quality in all 5 aspects, overall, were at the highest level. 2) compared the opinions of the people towards the promotion of service quality that can be classified by personal factors such as gender, age, occupation, education level. The overall test results were different. therefore accepted the hypothesis, As for the relationship between the 4 Sangkhahavatthus principles and the promotion of public service quality Overall, there was a very high level of positive correlation. statistically significant at the 0.01 level. and provide convenience for the elderly People contacted to file complaints or ask for help. Rarely get full help and rarely get back in touch and suggestions, it was found that care and advice should be given and provide convenience for the elderly Electronic service channels should be added. which can be performed through online channels.
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