Administrative Leadership of San Klang Subdistrict Municipality Administrators, at San Kamphaeng District, Chiang Mai Province


  • PhraAtikan Rattipong Mahakamperawangso (Somnun) Faculty of Social Sciences Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya Chiang Mai Campus
  • Prasert Pontin Faculty of Social Sciences Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya Chiang Mai Campus
  • Thitiwut Munmee Faculty of Social Sciences Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya Chiang Mai Campus


Leadership, Administration, Tuthiyapaphanikhatum


The objectives of this research article are 1) to study the level of leadership using the Secondary Appanikdhamma principles to administer in San Klang sub-district municipal administrators. San Kamphaeng District 2) to study the relationship between the practices according to the second principle of San Klang Sub-district municipal administrators and executive leadership; It is an integrated research method. between quantitative research and qualitative research in quantitative research the sample was 382 people in San Klang Sub-district Municipality. Data were collected by questionnaires. and data analysis using statistics of frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Pearson's correlation coefficient, t-test, F-test, qualitative research by in-depth interviews with key informants, 10 photos/person, data were analyzed by content analysis technique. The results of the study showed that 1) the level of leadership using the second principle to administer the San Klang sub-district municipal administrators; San Kamphaeng District Chiang Mai province, including the principles of the second generation Papanik Dharma Overall, it was at a high level. and management leadership of the executives in all 4 aspects. Overall, they were at the highest level.

2) The relationship between the management's behavior according to the Secondary Pathology and the management leadership of the executives. Overall, there was a very high positive correlation (R= .938**) at a statistical significance level of 0.01. 3) Management Leadership Development Guidelines for Executives It was found that executives should encourage their subordinates to understand the roles that are consistent with the goals of organizational management. Solve problems arising from operations to achieve the goals set.


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How to Cite

(Somnun), P. R. M., Pontin, P., & Munmee, T. (2023). Administrative Leadership of San Klang Subdistrict Municipality Administrators, at San Kamphaeng District, Chiang Mai Province. Journal of Peace Periscope, 4(1), 27–39. retrieved from