Author Guideline
Article writing format
Publication Fee |
The publication fee for the Journal of Peace Periscope (JPP) is as follows: For Thai-language articles: 7,500 Baht (Seven thousand five hundred Baht only) per article. For English-language articles: 8,500 Baht (Eight thousand five hundred Baht only) per article. Fees will be charged after the article has passed the preliminary screening by the editorial board (prior to the quality assessment process by experts). The payment and notification of payment must be completed within 15 days after receiving the notification. *The journal does not refund the fees to authors under any circumstances. The editorial board reserves the right to reject the publication and will not refund the fees under the following conditions: |
1. The Thaijo system's "CopyCatch" check reveals that over 25% of the articles contain duplicates |
2. The author fails to adhere to the prescribed journal format. |
3. The author of the article seeks to withdraw or cancel its publication. |
4. Failure to adhere to the suggested edits within the designated timeframe (1 month after notification). |
***Payment should be made to the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives Doi Saket Branch |
Account number: 020224914281 |
Account name: Journal of Peace Periscope |
Once paid, send the money transfer slip and inform your name and surname to E-mail: jppsantisuk.journal@gmail.com |
Format of Manuscript Preparation |
Manuscripts submitted for publication in the Journal of Peace Periscope must adhere to certain guidelines and requirements. Firstly, the authors should ensure that their work has not been previously published or is currently under review for publication in any other journal. Additionally, authors are expected to agree to and follow the rules, formats, and procedures specified for the submission of research and academic articles. This includes the inclusion of a Periscope article book review article, which is a mandatory component for publication in the Journal of Peace Periscope. Furthermore, authors must strictly adhere to the journal's guidelines for referencing. The references should be incorporated within the content of the article using inline references, following the APA Style 6th edition. It is important to note that the views and opinions expressed in the articles published in the Journal of Peace Periscope are solely the responsibility of the respective authors and do not reflect the views or responsibilities of the journal's editors. Moreover, authors are expected to uphold research ethics and avoid any form of plagiarism or infringement of others' work. The journal employs the CopyCatch program in ThaiJo's system to detect any instances of duplicated work, and authors should ensure that the similarity index does not exceed 25%. Authors who wish to publish an article in the Journal of Peace Periscope must comply with these conditions and guidelines set forth by the journal as follows: |
1. Authors are required to carefully examine the format guidelines and ensure that their article adheres to the specific format prescribed by the journal. |
2. The initial submission of the article should be in the form of a Word document (Microsoft Word) exclusively. |
3. The article should be typed on A4 paper, spanning between 10 to 15 pages in total (inclusive of reference pages), utilising TH Sarabun PSK font type, size 16 pt. The page layout should maintain uniform margins of 1 inch on all sides, with equal spacing between lines and a paragraph indentation of 7 taps. |
4. The inclusion of images and tables in the article must be presented clearly, with corresponding names listed below each. The text should be in plain format, size 14 pt., and should indicate whether it is a table, picture, figure, or model. Each picture should be accompanied by a comprehensive and coherent description, ensuring that the content aligns with the visuals provided. |
5. The title of the article must be presented in both Thai (TH Sarabun PSK, size 18 pt., bold) and English (TH Sarabun PSK, size 18 pt., bold) at the center of the first page. |
6. The author's name in both Thai and English languages (16 pt.) should not specify academic position. The title Mr./Mrs./Miss/Dr. should be omitted (except for monks). typed in regular font under the title aligned to the right and use superscript numbers to indicate the author's affiliation. In the case of two or more co-authors from the same institution, only one number should be shown. However, if co-authors come from different institutions, indicate the corresponding numbers next to the author's name 1, 2, and 3 in order. |
7. The abstract in Thai and English languages should not exceed 350 words. |
8. Specify keywords in both Thai and English languages, not exceeding 3-5 words. |
9. The use of numbers must be in Arabic numerals only. |
10. Articles can be submitted to the ThaiJO system online through the website of the Journal of Peace Periscope at https://so09.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPP/index. |
As for the preparation of the manuscript, each type of content is arranged in the following order: |
Research articles should be arranged in the following order: |
1. Title of the article (Title) in both Thai and English. |
2. Abstract presents the research objectives. Type of research, research methods, research results and knowledge from research. In summary, the abstract should be succinct. |
3. Introduction: Explains the rationale or significance of the issue |
4. Research Objectives: Specify the research objectives in order. |
5. Research Methodology: Outline the research plan, including details on the sample group and the determination of sample size. Describe the research tools that will be utilized and provide an overview of the data collection methods and data analysis techniques that will be employed. |
6. Results: The findings in accordance with the research objectives should be presented in the form of a table or chart, showcasing the results obtained. |
7. Discussion: The research findings are integrated into the conceptual framework and previous studies in the essay. The discussion emphasizes the interrelationships among all variables examined, while also highlighting insights gained from the research. |
8. New knowledge refers to the dissemination of findings derived from the examination and amalgamation of research. It can adopt the structure of an essay or employ models, accompanied by succinct and comprehensible elucidations. |
9. Conclusion and suggestion: Specify important conclusions and suggestions for applying research results and areas for further research. |
10. References should exclusively consist of items that are cited within the article's content. These citations should adhere to the APA system guidelines. |
Academic Article should be Arranged in the Following Order |
1. Title both in Thai and English |
2. Abstract |
3. Introduction |
4. Content Show the main points that need to be presented in order and identify new knowledge. |
5. Conclusion |
6. New Knowledge |
7. References (referencing in the context using the APA system) |
Review Article should be Arranged in the Following Order |
1. Title both Thai and English |
2. Abstract |
3. Introduction |
4. Content |
5. Discussion |
6. Conclusion |
7. New Knowledge |
8. References (referencing in the context using APA system) |
Book Review should be Arranged in the Following Order |
1. The book review clearly states the name of the book, the publisher, the year of publication, and the total number of pages. |
2. Introduction |
3. Content |
4. Discussion |
5. Conclusion |
6. References (referencing in the context using APA system) |
Citations in the text according to APA Guidelines. |
1. Book |
(Author, year of publication) |
Single author: Thai authors, specify first and last names without having to include a title and for foreign authors, begin with the last name. |
For example (Sirintip Pharcharuen, 2017) |
(Pharcharuen, 2017) |
Two authors: Specify the names and surnames of both authors, using the word “and” for Thai authors or “and” or “&” for foreign authors. Between words, leave 1 space in front and behind. |
For example (Sirintip Pharcharuen and Suraphon Phromkun, 2017) |
(Pharcharuen and Phromkun, 2017) |
Three authors: specify the first and last names of each author, separated by a comma. The last author's name should be separated by "and" for Thai authors, or "and" or "&" for foreign authors. Leave a space before and after the comma between names. |
For example (Sirintip Pharcharuen, Surapon Phromkun and Surachai Phutchu, 2017) |
(Phacharuen, Phromkun and Phutchu, 2017) |
For more than three authors, specify the name and surname of the first author separated by “,” followed by “et al.” or others. For Thai authors, or “et al.” or “and others.” For foreign authors between words, leave 1 space in front and behind. |
For example (Sirintip Pharcharuen et al., 2018) |
(Pharcharuen, et al., 2018) |
2. Journal |
(Author, year of publication) |
Single author: Thai authors, specify first and last names, without having to include a title and for foreign authors begin with the last name. |
For example (Sirintip Pharcharuen, 2017) |
(Pharcharuen, 2018) |
Two authors: Specify the names and surnames of both authors, using the words “and” for Thai authors or “and” or “&” for foreign authors, between words, leave 1 space in front and behind. |
For example (Sirintip Pharcharuen and Suraphon Phromkun, 2017) |
(Pharcharuen and Phromkun, 2017) |
Three authors: specify the names and surnames of each author separated by “,” in front of the last author must be separated by “and” for Thai authors or “and” or “&” for foreign authors, between words, leave 1 space in front and behind. |
For example (Sirintip Pharcharuen, Surapon Phromkun and Surachai Phutchu, 2017) |
(Pharcharuen, Phromkun and Phutchu, 2017) |
For more than 3 authors, specify the name and surname of the first author separated by “,” followed by “et al.” or others. For Thai authors, or “et al.” or “and others.” For foreign authors, between words, leave 1 space in front and behind. |
For example (Sirintip Pharcharuen et al., 2018) |
(Pharcharuen, et al., 2017) |
3. Thesis/Dissertation/Dissertation/Research report |
(Author, year of publication) |
Single author: Thai authors, specify first and last names, without having to include a title and for foreign authors begin with the last name. |
For example (Winit Pharcharuen, 2017) |
(Pharcharuen, 2007) |
Two authors: Specify the names and surnames of both authors, using the word “and” for Thai authors or “and” or “&” for foreign authors. Between words, leave 1 space in front and behind. |
For example (Sirintip Pharcharuen and Suraphon Phromkun, 2017) |
(Pharcharuen and Phromkun, 2017) |
Three authors: specify the names and surnames of each author separated by “,” in front of the last author must be separated by “and” for Thai authors or “and” or “&” for foreign authors between words, leave 1 space in front and behind. |
For example (Sirintip Pharcharuen, Surapon Phromkun and Surachai Phutchu, 2017) |
(Pharcharuen, Phromkun and Phutchu, 2017) |
For more than 3 authors, specify the name and surname of the first author separated by “,” followed by “et al.” or others. For Thai authors, or “et al.” or “and others.” For foreign authors Between words, leave 1 space in front and behind. |
For example (Sirintip Pharcharuen et al., 2017) |
(Pharcharuen, et al., 2017) |
4. Interview |
(Author, date of interview) |
Interviewer: specify the first and last name without a title. |
For example (Winit Pharcharuen, 11 August 2017) |
(Sirinthip Pharcharuen, Interview, August 11, 2017) |
5. Electronic media |
(Author, year of publication) |
Single author: Thai authors, specify the first and last name without having to include a title and for a foreign author Begin with their last name. |
For example (Winit Pharcharuen, 2017) |
(Pharcharuen, 2017) |
Two authors: Specify the names and surnames of both authors, using the word “and” for Thai authors or “and” or “&” for foreign authors, between words, leave 1 space in front and behind. |
For example (Sirintip Pharcharuen and Suraphon Phromkun, 2017) |
(Pharcharuen and Phromkun, 2017) |
Three authors: specify the names and surnames of each author separated by “,” in front of the last author must be separated by “and” for Thai authors or “and” or “&” for foreign authors. Between words, leave 1 space in front and behind. |
For example (Sirintip Pharcharuen, Surapon Phromkun and Surachai Phutchu, 2017) |
(Pharcharuen, Phromkun and Phutchu, 2017) |
For more than 3 authors, specify the name and surname of the first author separated by “,” followed by “et al.” or others. For Thai authors, or “et al.” or “and others.” For foreign authors Between words, leave 1 space in front and behind. |
For example (Sirintip Pharcharuen et al., 2017) |
(Pharcharuen, et al., 2017) |
References at the end of the Article according to APA Guidelines. |
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Note: |
1. Thai author, kindly provide first and last name without the need to include a title, except for the royal title. The royal title should be placed at the end of the name, separated by a comma from the name and any other titles. However, the ecclesiastical title should remain unchanged in its original form. |
2. In the case of two authors, enter both names in the order in which they appear, and connect the names with the word "and" for Thai documents. Use the symbol “&” for foreign language documents between the 1st and 2nd person, leave 1 space before and after. |
3. When citing foreign authors, start with their last name, followed by the abbreviation of the first name, with one space, and the middle name's abbreviation (if any). The surname inversion should be based on the popularity of individuals in that specific country. Remember to include a comma between the last name and the initial. If the author has a suffix like Jr. or other titles, place the word after the first initial or middle initial (if any), separated by a comma. |
4. Institutional Author, List them in order from large departments to smaller departments and leave a space from the name of the main organization to the name of the subsidiary. |
You can study more details from resources about APA Style 6th edition, such as APA Formatting and Style Guide from http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/American |
Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition style Examples .From www.lib.monash.edu.au/tutorials/citing/apa-a4.pdf |
How to sort references: the sorting process follows the same principle as arranging words in the Royal Institute Dictionary or the International Dictionary. Words with spellings are arranged before words with vowels, in alphabetical order from กก to กฮ as follows: |
ก ข ค ฅ ฆ ง จ ฉ ช ซ ฌ ญ ฎ ฏ ฐ ฑ ฒ ณ ด ต ถ ท ธ น บ ป ผ ฝ พ ฟ ภ ม ย ร ฤ ฤา ล ฦ ฦา ว ศ ษ ส ห ฬ อ ฮ |
As for words that start with the same consonant, sorted by vowel as follows: |
อะ อัว อัวะ อา อำ อิ อี อื อุ อู เอะ เอ เอาะ เอา เอิน เอีย เอียะ เอือ เอือะ แอ แอะ โอ โอะ ใอ ไอ |