Public Service Development of Modern Government

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Phra Boonchoti Lungtan
Phramaha Attaphon Narissaro


This article has been created because the objective is to develop people in the organization to be more effective in order to make those who use the service the most impressive. Must provide services to people or people who use the service in the local government organization equally The guidelines for the development of the public service in the age of 4.0 in order to make the people who use the services of the local government organization more convenient. And will not have to prepare anything in various organizations or departments For the speed and convenience of the people or people who use the service in the local government organization To create success for the long-term. growing public service In order to enter the era of public administration.  4.0  And to develop personnel in the department or organization to be more efficient. then develop the potential of personnel to have creativity and innovation. as well as to develop a quality personnel management system. In order to create incentives and commitment of personnel towards the organization to support the Thailand  4.0 strategy. the government or bureaucratic system must work by adhering to the good governance of public affairs for the benefit of the people.

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How to Cite
Lungtan, P. B., & Narissaro, P. A. (2022). Public Service Development of Modern Government. Journal of Thammawat, 2(1), 31–37. retrieved from


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