Life after death

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Chanchai Ritruam
Krittamet Boonnun
Sangud Tianchantuak


Life after death, in the Buddhist perspective, is a reflection of the beliefs of people who often do not understand the true nature of life and death. This causes them unable to determine right attitude and act to this important matter.  However, the way to help them understand about life after death is to let them focus on knowing the self of man from birth, old age, pain and death which reflect the value of the existence of 5 Khandhas (Five Aggregates). These Five Aggregates: Rupa (corporeality), Vedana (sensation), Sanna (perception), Samkhara (mental formations) and Vinnana (consciousness) are major component of Life. So life arises, exists and goes on relying on the assembly of Khandhas. In order to understand life and to lead to the ability to determine right attitude and action on the true nature of human beings, Buddhist principles must be applied to practice for purifying the mind from all kinds of desire.

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How to Cite
Ritruam, C., Boonnun, K., & Tianchantuak, S. (2020). Life after death. Journal of Thammawat, 1(2), 23–30. retrieved from


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