Agricultural Garden in Front of The Students’ Dormitory: Buddhist Integration in Social Sciences and Anthropology About Consumption

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Phatraphol Jaiyen


This article has the objective for deciphering the knowledge through the agricultural garden in front of the dormitory through the concept of Buddhist integration in social sciences and anthropology about consumption by using the documentary study, research works, interviews and participatory observation.

The findings of the study found that the vegetables planting is an activity that based on education for research. But it happens as the mixture of food production for consumptions, to create the learning center under the concept of possibility that the principle of Buddhism is integrated into the work and in term of saving according to the principle of economics. To learn by actual doing is called as “Parichatti(study)-Patibatti(practice)-Pathiweth(deed result) that creates the process with the goal of sciences connection of knowledge sharing as the hospitality, experience and friendship that reflect on the social method of human beings about consumption and anthropology about human relations as appeared on the agricultural garden in front of the students’ dormitory.

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How to Cite
Jaiyen, P. (2020). Agricultural Garden in Front of The Students’ Dormitory: Buddhist Integration in Social Sciences and Anthropology About Consumption. Journal of Thammawat, 1(2), 1–12. retrieved from


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