Supporthelt of Right Livelihood of the Mahout Way of Life in Surin Province

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Phraathikarn Wiang Kittiwanno


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the principles of the elephant community in Surin province, 2) to study the form and process to enhance the integrity and responsibility of the elephant community in Surin Province, and 3) to analyze the form and
process to strengthen the integrity and the responsibility of the elephant raising community in Surin Province. The research model is a qualitative research using concept 1) the principle of life of elephants, 2) the form and process of creating the elephant community, 3) the responsibility of the community of elephants in Surin province as a research area, which is a community. Elephants in Krapo Sub-district, Tha Tum District, Surin Province The group of elephants, civil servants, local leaders In Krapho Subdistrict, a total of 15 people using specific methods The tools used in the research are 2 types: in-depth interview and
observation form. Analyze data using content analysis and describe descriptive The research found that

1. The main principle of life is to work in good faith or called Samma Chiva in Buddhism. Which is one of the Dharma is the path of suffering Career with integrity Not thinking of hurting or cheating others is the way of suffering from society The elephants'
occupation of the Kui ethnic group in Surin province Is a profession that must comply with the beliefs and rules set forth in the belief that "Pagam" and the principle that must be treated is "Ka Lam". These two principles make the elephants' occupation a career
2. The pattern of elephants raising in the elephant community in Surin province, starting with the elephant in the forest (At present, there are no elephants to go to.) Bring elephants to feed in their homes. Training elephants to assist in various fields Such as the
elephant show Using elephants to transport goods and people etc. All of the above mentioned processes must be done in accordance with the belief in the plum and the whole body. The elephant raising style of the community of elephants is therefore different from raising pets in general.

3. From the analysis of the pattern and process of elephants to strengthen honesty and see that The community of elephants in Surin province uses the belief process in plum and ka Lam as rules for raising elephants. When doing anything related to elephants, such as going out to hang an elephant Bring elephants to feed, etc. Must have a sacrifice to pay before. Must have a kale such as do not speak rough words Insulting parents and other children These things are called ka lam. If not followed, there is a penalty for both himself and his family. Cause not to grow in career.

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How to Cite
Kittiwanno, P. W. . (2020). Supporthelt of Right Livelihood of the Mahout Way of Life in Surin Province. Journal of Thammawat, 1(1), 59–66. retrieved from


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