Monks and Health Care on Globalization Era
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Thailand Economic Social and environment had been chained then nowadays effect to population health event though monks. So that, Thailand enhancing to elderly person group by absolutely since year 2566, that means the number of populations grow up to elderly person on 1 of 5 from all them. (The Department of Elderly Person [Online]) which all the most of monks got sickness by Non-communicable Diseases: NCDs (Department of Mental Health, SSS: [Online])found that most total 5 number mean hypercholesterolemia, blood pressure, diabetes, nephritis, knee degeneration and the monks deseed with NCDs. All these deseed concern effect economic such as personal care and reactivate for monks. The more expenditure for this case then effects for join Buddhist activity, because of health problem too. They were not to know how to take care heath.
On this condition, because of, 1. Monks don’t know how to take care health. 2. Monks sensum behavior. 3. Monks never do any exercise the serious. So that, when they have not taken care their health by regularly, they will push monkhood accordance with their characters.
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