Participation of the Community according to Aparihaniyadhamma of the Apocalypse to Promote the Conservation of Hok Peng Tradition, Worship Phra That Chae Haeng, Muang Tut Sub-district, Phu Phiang District, Nan Province
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The purpose of this article was: 1) to study the level of community participation in promoting the conservation of the Hok Peng worship of Phra That Chae Haeng tradition, 2) to compare people's opinions on community participation in promoting the conservation of the Hok Peng worship of Phra That Chae Haeng tradition, classified by personal factors, 3) to propose guidelines for developing community participation based on the principle of Aparihaniyadhamma in promoting the conservation of the Hok Peng worship of Phra That Chae Haeng tradition. This is mixed-methods research.
The research results found that: 1) the level of community participation based on the principle of non-perishableness to promote the conservation of the Hok Peng worship of Phra That Chae Haeng tradition was overall at a high level. 2) Comparing the community participation in promoting the conservation of the Hok Peng worship of Phra That Chae Haeng tradition classified by gender, age, education, and income, there were differences in the participation in promoting the conservation of the Hok Peng worship of Phra That Chae Haeng tradition, so the research hypothesis was rejected. As for people with different occupations, the participation in promoting the conservation of the Hok Peng worship of Phra That Chae Haeng tradition was significantly different at a statistical level of 0.05, so the research hypothesis was accepted. And 3) the guidelines for developing community participation based on the principle of non-perishableness to promote the conservation of the Hok Peng worship of Phra That Chae Haeng tradition consist of 6 aspects as follows: 1) Promoting knowledge and transferring knowledge 2) Building relationships among generations (social interaction) 3) Improving to be consistent with social changes 4) Support from government agencies 5) Building networks of knowledge 6) Incorporating local traditions and cultures into the basic education curriculum.
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