A Study of Motivation Affecting Public Health Service Performance of Bueng Yitho Medical and Rehabilitation Center
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The objectives of this research were 1) to study the health service performance of Bueng Yeeo Medical and Rehabilitation Center. 2) To study various factors which are incentives affecting public health services of Bueng Yeeo Medical and Rehabilitation Center The samples in this study were personnel, people, who came to receive services from Bueng Yeeo Medical Rehabilitation Center. Both within and outside the municipality A total of 41,081 people, consisting of 35,351 people receiving service in the area, 5,730 people. The instrument used in this research is a 5 level rating scale questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis are frequency distribution. Finding percentage, average (), standard deviation (S.D.) Hypothesis testing using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient.
- Overall compensation and benefits were at a high level (= 4.13, S.D. = 0.51). It was found that the overall was at a high level (= 3.75, SD = .901) when classified as Most of them found that 2 items were at a high level. Care And the good service from the center is considered worthwhile to come to receive the service (= 4.02, SD = .936). You think that the medical expenses you have to pay to the center are suitable for the various services of the center (= 3.86, SD = .892) and is at a medium level of 1 item. You are satisfied with the welfare of medical expenses. And satisfied with the various services of the center (= 3.38, SD = .874) respectively
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