The Joy of Volunteering

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Shisa Jirakavinkarn
Tiptida Na Nakorn


Volunteer is someone who has a heart that is a giver, whether it is money include helping with strength and physical strength, brain strength that one has. It can be called sacrificing what you already have. and share with others It is the heart that has the desire to do with willingness. and voluntarily coming. Volunteer comes from the word citta, meaning things that have the ability to know, think and think and combine with the word refers to the hope, the desire to receive, to do with willingness, or the spirit of giving all goodness to fellow human beings willingly, voluntarily, satisfied and grateful. The joy of being ready to sacrifice time and effort and wisdom for the public good in activities or things that benefit others without expecting a return and happy to help others as a mind that is not stable when seeing problems or misery that occurs to people, a happy mind when doing good and sees tears change into a smile, a mind that Full of "Merit" means peace and cool. and the power of goodness as well as helping to reduce "ego" or self-identity down to some extent.

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How to Cite
Jirakavinkarn, S., & Na Nakorn, T. (2024). The Joy of Volunteering. Journal of Mahapajapati Buddhist Review, 1(2), 36–43. retrieved from