Moral standards of politicians According to the constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2560

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Auntittha Aksotnsri
Wonchai Sangsuwon


Ethics are behavioral qualities. That society aims for people in that society to behave Be accurate in behavior Freedom within the boundary of conscience The morality of Thai society depends on the moral system of Buddhism. Set principles for daily practice Ethics will be required to comply with that. Ethics and virtue of every society will define their own rules and norms of what is good. And what is the correctness In general, it is not written as a rule that all members must abide by the values, meaning the concepts of morality in behavior. Through careful consideration of the consequences of such behavior, the ethical standards of politicians must be high. Every act of a politician must have principles and morals. And is a good model for people to see the work straightforward in accordance with the principles of good governance according to the constitution.

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How to Cite
Aksotnsri, A., & Sangsuwon, W. (2022). Moral standards of politicians According to the constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2560. Journal of Thammawat, 2(2), 1–8. retrieved from


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