Thai Culture in the 21st Century and Sustainable Development

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Nattasan Nantawat


This article, the author is interested and aimed at Thai culture in the 21st century is the use of national strategies for development and capacity building of human resources. To strengthen the living culture of Thai people With important development goals for human development 5n every dimension and in every age to be a good person That knows the value of Thai culture and quality, with Thai people ready, physically, mentally, intellectually, with all-round development and good culture and good health in all ages Have public mind, social responsibility and others, are thrifty, conservative, bountiful, disciplined, maintain morality and be a good citizen of the nation With correct thinking Have the necessary skills in the 21st century, have the skills to communicate in English and the 3rd language and preserve local languages Have a habit of learning and self-development throughout life To become highly skilled Thai people, be innovative, thinkers, entrepreneurs, modern farmers and others by having a livelihood according to their own aptitude And sustainable development can occur in Thai society Every sector of society should join forces to drive change. Based on the available resources, capital, it is necessary to create a new consciousness of people in society to focus on the common good. And adjust the way of thinking New attitude in life that has less impact on the environment At the same time, must coordinate with the role of government Local and community to be able to participate, work together To create a learning process for development and increase the value of local resources Which is considered the living culture of the Thai people in the 21st century

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How to Cite
Nantawat, N. . (2022). Thai Culture in the 21st Century and Sustainable Development. Journal of Thammawat, 3(1), 49–58. retrieved from


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