Modern Management according to the Principles of Good Governance

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Thiyaphan Wongsa
Umnart Sakhet
Phramahaprawet Panyadheepo
Phrasamuchchatsak Prichano


This article aims to present modern management in the form of good governance. Emphasis would be placed on continuous, stable growth, no bankruptcy, no risk of damage. Employees had confidence in the organization that they can work in the organization in the long term. Applying good governance in management was in order for the organization to have credibility and be accepted by society. Nowadays, public sector administration receives a great deal of attention from the people. In terms of transparency in operations. Therefore, applying the principles of good governance in management. It was to make the people have faith in various problems related to corruption. Corruption in government agencies would be reduced.

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How to Cite
Wongsa, T., Sakhet, U., Panyadheepo, P. ., & Prichano, P. (2024). Modern Management according to the Principles of Good Governance. Journal of Thammawat, 5(1), 79–86. retrieved from


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