Political Participation: Rights without Freedom

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Wiraya Pimpan


Under the law on emergency situations announced by the government, it gives citizens the right to political participation under the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand in 2017, but without freedom in the way of democracy. For instant, people have the right but no freedom of movement and choice of residence. Furthermore   people have the right but no freedom of assembly. People's freedom is considered is not so important so that people gather to claim their freedom. Using the law on emergency situations by the government, it gives the centralization power that cannot be checked.The state works without clarity and often rises problems, creates misunderstandings with people. It also controls freedom of expression, opinions, grievances, complaints and political torture. This is the human rights and the decline of Thai politics.

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How to Cite
Pimpan, W. (2023). Political Participation: Rights without Freedom. Journal of Thammawat, 4(1), 32–39. retrieved from https://so09.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/tmwj/article/view/2506


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