
Ethics in Publishing Academic/Research Papers in Journals (Publication Ethics)

The journal adheres to international publication standards based on the ethical guidelines outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as follows:
(Note: Most of this has been adapted and translated from

  1. Ethical Guidelines for Authors of Manuscripts:
  2. Authors are responsible for ensuring that the article submitted to the Journal has not been previously published or is under review elsewhere.
  3. Authors must strictly follow the journal's guidelines for submitting academic articles or research papers, including adhering to the journal’s referencing system.
  4. Authors should edit and revise their manuscript according to the journal's format guidelines outlined in the "Instructions for Authors" section, particularly concerning manuscript preparation for uniform publication standards.
  5. Authors must adhere to research ethics, meaning they should avoid plagiarism and ensure that the work is original.
  6. Authors whose names appear on the paper must have contributed to the creation or research process. Individuals who did not contribute should not be included as authors. If it is found that someone without involvement in the article is listed as an author, the journal will immediately withdraw the paper.
  7. Authors must responsibly cite the content, images, or tables used in their work by providing appropriate source attribution to avoid copyright infringement. Any legal issues related to plagiarism will be the sole responsibility of the author, and the journal will not be liable. The journal will immediately withdraw the paper if such violations occur.
  8. Authors must ensure the accuracy of their references in both format and content, avoiding the citation of materials they have not read or that are irrelevant. References should be used judiciously and in accordance with the journal's formatting guidelines.
  9. Authors must revise their manuscript based on feedback from reviewers and the editorial board within the specified time. Failure to do so may delay publication or lead to rejection.
  10. Authors should acknowledge any research funding sources and disclose any potential conflicts of interest.
  11. Authors must report accurate data, avoiding false data creation, fabrication, or manipulation. They should not selectively present data that supports conclusions.
  12. Authors should not cite retracted documents unless the retraction is relevant to the cited statement, and the reference should specify that the document has been retracted.
  13. Authors must properly reference others’ works in the text and include a full bibliography at the end of the manuscript.
  14. Ethical Guidelines for Reviewers:
  15. Reviewers should only evaluate manuscripts within their area of expertise and should assess the manuscript’s relevance to the field, analytical quality, and completeness of the research. Personal opinions unsupported by evidence should not be used in evaluations, and reviewers should decline manuscripts outside their expertise.
  16. Reviewers must provide constructive feedback in an impartial, unbiased, and timely manner.
  17. Reviewers must maintain confidentiality and not disclose the contents of the manuscript to unauthorized individuals during or after the review process.
  18. If a reviewer has a conflict of interest with the author, they should inform the journal editor and decline the review.
  19. Reviewers should only suggest changes to the title for academic articles, while research papers should only be reviewed for spelling errors, not for title changes.
  20. Reviewers must not use any part of the manuscript as their own work.
  21. If a reviewer identifies substantial similarities between a manuscript and other works, they must inform the journal editor and provide supporting evidence.
  22. Ethical Guidelines for Journal Editors:
  23. Editors must ensure that the journal’s operations align with ethical standards and its objectives.
  24. Editors must address any ethical violations related to authors or manuscripts promptly.
  25. Editors must oversee the publication of papers with potential conflicts of interest, such as when an editor publishes their own work without proper peer review.
  26. Editors must ensure the quality of articles selected for publication, with a focus on clarity, alignment with journal policies, and relevance to the academic community.
  27. Editors must protect the confidentiality of authors and reviewers by adhering to a double-blind peer-review process.
  28. Editors must not publish articles that have been previously published elsewhere and must rigorously check for plagiarism to ensure all content is original.
  29. Editors must avoid conflicts of interest with authors or reviewers to maintain fairness.
  30. Editors must not use any part of a manuscript as their own work.
  31. Editors must ensure the research methodology of published work is sound and credible.
  32. If plagiarism or data fabrication is detected, editors have the right to withdraw the paper, even if the author refuses to do so.
  33. Editors must ensure that editorial tasks are assigned to team members based on their expertise.
  34. Editors should monitor the accuracy of citations and references, ensuring that no inappropriate referencing practices are used.
  35. Editors must ensure transparency in the collection of page charges or processing fees, clearly communicating the process and conditions for charging such fees.

These ethical guidelines ensure a fair, transparent, and rigorous process for publishing academic research, safeguarding both the integrity of the journal and the rights of authors, reviewers, and editors alike.