
  1. Political  and Legal Studies Journal is an academic journal with the objective of promoting education, research, and disseminating research articles, academic articles, and new innovative ideas. The journal serves as a platform for the exchange of learning, ideas, and diverse opinions without restrictions on ideologies, ideologies, and perspectives. The journal focuses on controversial issues in society, both past, present, and future, aiming to contribute to the peaceful and sustainable resolution of societal problems. It acts as a medium for presenting findings to the public, researchers, academics, teachers, students, and interested individuals.

    The journal emphasizes the use of interdisciplinary knowledge and approaches in the analysis, research, and synthesis of new knowledge related to political science studies, such as theories or political philosophies, political parties, public opinion, interest groups, public law, public administration, international relations, comparative government, parliament, law-making, and government, as well as legal studies such as the history of law, legal philosophy, criminology, criminal law, private law, business law, public law, international law, intellectual property law, natural resources and environmental law, international trade law, and tax law.

  2. The articles published in the journal are reviewed by at least 2-3 experts. Thai Social Science Journal accepts both Thai and English language articles. Articles under consideration for publication must never have been published or are not under consideration for publication in other journals. Authors must strictly follow the guidelines for submitting academic papers or research articles for publication in the journal, including proper referencing in accordance with the journal's guidelines.

  3. The views and opinions expressed in the journal articles are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not reflect the views of the editorial board. The editorial board does not claim copyright, but references and sources must be appropriately cited.

  4. The journal does not charge publication fees at any stage.

    Articles from undergraduate students or those published in English will receive a compensation of 2,000 Baht per article (undergraduate students must submit a copy of their valid student ID).

    Publication Schedule: The journal has been publishing since 2025 in electronic format and will only be published online. The ISSN number is …………. (Online). The journal's policy is to complete the article review process within 30 days and publish it immediately after the review process.

    The journal is published 3 times a year:

    • Issue 1: January - April
    • Issue 2: May - September
    • Issue 3: October - December

2. About the Journal The journal accepts articles in both Thai and English. Articles considered for publication must present interesting topics for society, be controversial, or involve debates within society, and be useful. Articles can present new perspectives on social issues, contribute new knowledge, or present existing knowledge in a new light, and must not have been previously published in any other journal nor be under consideration for publication in any other journal.

Types of Work Published in the Journal Articles must be submitted in the specified format and undergo peer review by experts in the relevant field before being published. The journal considers four types of articles:

  1. Academic Articles – Analytical and critical articles that propose new ideas or present original academic insights.
  2. Research Articles – Systematically presented research findings that fulfill the objectives of the research. These articles include a title, author details, an abstract, introduction, research methodology, literature review, research objectives, hypotheses (if any), research scope, research methods, results, conclusions, and references.
  3. Review Articles – Articles that compile current knowledge on a subject through analysis, synthesis, comparison, and/or critique, offering new perspectives. These articles include an introduction, content, critique, conclusions, and references.
  4. Book Reviews – Articles that describe and comment on a book, recommending it to readers, providing a complete bibliographic description, evaluating its content, special features, and comparing it with other similar books. The reviewer should have knowledge of the subject area and provide their details for consideration of the review’s credibility.