Journal of International Buddhist Studies: Announcements <main class="content"> <div class="page__content" data-widget-def="ux3-layout-widget" data-widget-id="loi-toc"> <div class="container"> <div class="row padding-wrapper"> <div class="col-12 col-lg-8"> <div class="editorial-board"> <div class="expandable-accordion"> <div id="accordion952" class="bs-accordion"> <div id="id0" class="ed-board-table-wrapper bs-accordion__content collapse show"><main class="content"> <div class="page__content" data-widget-def="ux3-layout-widget" data-widget-id="loi-toc"> <div class="container"> <div class="row padding-wrapper"> <div class="col-12 col-lg-8"> <div class="editorial-board"> <div class="expandable-accordion"> <div id="accordion952" class="bs-accordion"> <div id="id0" class="ed-board-table-wrapper bs-accordion__content collapse show"> <p align="justify">The Journal of International Buddhist Studies (JIBS) is an open-access journal. We publish substantive academic articles on various topics in Buddhist Studies. All the articles published are peer-reviewed by at least two experts via the double-blinded review system. The Journal features academic articles in the broad field of Buddhist Studies. It aims to foster dialogue and exchange of ideas among Buddhist scholars and practitioners worldwide. JIBS serves as a platform for disseminating innovative and impactful research, promoting academic rigor, and original contributions in Buddhist Studies. A review committee consisting of academic specialists in relevant fields will screen all manuscripts. The editorial board reserves the right to recommend timely revisions, if necessary, before final acceptance for publication. Articles in JIBS should be between 5,000 to 8,000 words, meet international standards of academic excellence, and provide new insights and information in Buddhist Studies.</p> <table style="width: 90%;" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="style44" align="right" valign="middle" bgcolor="#FFFAF4"><span style="font-size: small;">Full Edition Title:</span></td> <td class="journalInfo" bgcolor="#FDFDFD"> </td> <td class="journalInfo" bgcolor="#FDFDFD"><span style="font-size: small;">Journal of International Buddhist Studies</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="style44" align="right" valign="middle" bgcolor="#FFFAF4"><span style="font-size: small;">The frequency of Issue:</span></td> <td class="journalInfo" bgcolor="#FDFDFD"> </td> <td class="journalInfo" bgcolor="#FDFDFD">Twice a year in June and December</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="style44" align="right" valign="middle" bgcolor="#FFFAF4"><span style="font-size: small;">e-ISSN:</span></td> <td class="journalInfo" bgcolor="#FDFDFD"> </td> <td class="journalInfo" bgcolor="#FDFDFD"><span class="style43" style="font-size: small;">2586-9620</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="style44" align="right" valign="middle" bgcolor="#FFFAF4"><span style="font-size: small;">Publication Type:</span></td> <td class="journalInfo" bgcolor="#FDFDFD"> </td> <td class="journalInfo" bgcolor="#FDFDFD"><span class="style43" style="font-size: small;">Online</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="style44" align="right" valign="middle" bgcolor="#FFFAF4"><span style="font-size: small;">Publisher:</span></td> <td class="journalInfo" bgcolor="#FDFDFD"> </td> <td class="journalInfo" bgcolor="#FDFDFD"><span style="font-size: small;">Buddhist Research Institute, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="style44" align="right" valign="middle" bgcolor="#FFFAF4"><span style="font-size: small;">Language:</span></td> <td class="journalInfo" bgcolor="#FDFDFD"> </td> <td class="journalInfo" bgcolor="#FDFDFD"><span style="font-size: small;">English</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="style44" align="right" valign="middle" bgcolor="#FFFAF4"><span style="font-size: small;">Since:</span></td> <td class="journalInfo" bgcolor="#FDFDFD"> </td> <td class="journalInfo" bgcolor="#FDFDFD"><span style="font-size: small;">2009</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="style44" align="right" valign="middle" bgcolor="#FFFAF4"><span style="font-size: small;">Indexed in:</span></td> <td class="journalInfo" bgcolor="#FDFDFD"> </td> <td class="journalInfo" bgcolor="#FDFDFD"><span style="font-size: small;"><a href=""><strong>TCI</strong></a><strong>, <a href="">Scopus</a>, <a href="">DOAJ</a>, <a href=";view_op=list_works&amp;gmla=AL3_zigkk4s0BQFJk5l12fE9ASyeUqWAEkvZ0ifpa14ChnxROZ28qJITw5GzL35_1hezM8yXvbPIELYxysmK7g&amp;user=vnGXx0wAAAAJ">Google Scholar</a></strong></span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h3><span style="color: #684501;">Aims and Scope</span></h3> <div id="content"> <div> <p align="justify"> <strong><span style="color: #684501;">Journal of International Buddhist Studies (JIBS)</span></strong> is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original academic articles that foster dialogue and understanding among Buddhist scholars worldwide. It serves as a platform for disseminating innovative and impactful research, promoting academic rigor and intellectual inquiry within Buddhist studies.</p> <div> <p align="justify"><strong> </strong>The scope of JIBS encompasses a wide range of topics related to Buddhism, including philosophy, psychology, ethics, meditation, mindfulness, social engagement, interfaith dialogue, and the intersection of Buddhism with other disciplines such as science, psychology, and education. JIBS welcomes submissions from researchers, scholars, and practitioners from around the world on topics including:</p> </div> </div> <div> <p align="justify"><strong> </strong><strong><img src="" alt="" width="20" height="20" /> <span style="color: #684501;"> Buddhist Practices on Mental Health and Well-being: </span></strong>This topic explores how Buddhist teachings and practices align with scientific findings and psychological theories, offering insights into mindfulness, meditation, and the effects of Buddhist practices on mental health and well-being.</p> <p align="justify"><strong> <img src="" alt="" width="20" height="20" /> <span style="color: #684501;"> Buddhist Principles in Social Engagement and Ethical Decision-making: </span></strong>This area examines how Buddhist teaching can address social and environmental issues, promoting compassion, sustainability, and social justice. It explores topics such as engaged Buddhism, Buddhist perspectives on environmental ethics, and the role of Buddhist values in shaping ethical leadership and decision-making processes. </p> <p align="justify"><strong> <img src="" alt="" width="20" height="20" /> <span style="color: #684501;">The Concept of Buddhist Wisdom:</span></strong> Buddhist knowledge is collected, analyzed, synthesized, and compared among various wisdom traditions with an emphasis on Buddhist knowledge contained in the Tripitaka Buddhist scriptures to further Buddhist insights and practice.</p> <p align="justify"><strong> <img src="" alt="" width="20" height="20" /> <span style="color: #684501;">Other related Buddhist Studies:</span></strong> (Religious Studies, Social Sciences, and Arts &amp; Humanities)</p> <p align="justify"><img src="" alt="" width="1280" height="731" /></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> en-US JIBS Activities: JIBS New Year Update: Progress, Insights, and Opportunities in Buddhist Studies <p><strong>Dear Colleagues,</strong></p> <p>As we welcome the New Year, I am pleased to share some recent developments from the Journal of International Buddhist Studies (JIBS). Our commitment to advancing Buddhist scholarship remains strong, and we have launched several initiatives to further this mission.</p> <p><strong>Call for Submissions: Buddhism and Contemporary Challenges</strong></p> <p>We invite submissions for our upcoming issue, which will focus on "Buddhism and Contemporary Challenges." This theme explores how Buddhist teachings and practices address modern societal issues, such as mental health, social engagement, and ethical decision-making. We encourage scholars to contribute original research that connects traditional Buddhist insights with contemporary concerns.</p> <p><strong>Recent Publications</strong></p> <p>Our latest issue, Vol. 15 No. 2 (2024), features a diverse range of articles, including:</p> <p>- "Marvel as Superhuman Power Performance (Iddhi-pāṭihāriya) in Dhammapada Scriptures" by Sanu Mahatthanadull<br />- "Negotiating the Restoration of a Buddhist Temple in Loei Province: A Focus on Cultural Capital" by Phonphat Permpitayangkura<br />- "Stories of Remarkable Empowering: Some Reflections on the Therīgāthā" by Pragati Sahni<br />- "The Transformation of the Manorah Story into Religious Performance: A Study of the Social and Spiritual Roles of the Manorah Master" by Sudthaporn Ratanakul<br />-"Taixu’s Concept of “Buddhist Minister” in Relation to the Formation and Profession of Buddhist Chaplaincy in the US" by Guan Zhen<br />- "Dissent and Deviance in Buddhist Monastics: Non-Conformity in the Age of the Buddha" by Anand Singh<br />- "Buddhist Agriculture and the Young Smart Farmer Concept in Thailand" by Utis Tahom</p> <p>These contributions showcase the depth and breadth of contemporary Buddhist studies.</p> <p><strong>Engagement with the Academic Community</strong></p> <p>In March 2024, JIBS engaged with students from the International Buddhist Studies College (IBSC), fostering dialogue and encouraging emerging scholars in the field. Additionally, in December 2023, we participated in the Scopus Journal Quality Meeting with the Thai Journal Citation Index (TCI), highlighting our commitment to maintaining high academic standards.</p> <p><strong>System Development and Quality Improvement</strong></p> <p>We are actively involved in the second phase of the "System Development and Quality Improvement of Thai Journals Indexed in Scopus" project. This initiative aims to enhance the quality and visibility of Thai academic journals globally and ensure that our publications meet international standards of excellence.</p> <p>As we embark on this New Year, we remain dedicated to promoting rigorous and impactful research in Buddhist studies. We invite scholars and practitioners worldwide to contribute to JIBS and join us in advancing the understanding and application of Buddhist teachings in today's world.</p> <p>Wishing you all a prosperous and enlightening New Year.</p> <p>Sincerely,<br /><br />Ven. Phrakhrusutheekittibundit <br />Editor-in-Chief <br />Journal of International Buddhist Studies,<br />Buddhist Research Institute, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University</p> Journal of International Buddhist Studies 2025-01-05 JIBS Activities: Call for Submission: Buddhism and Contemporary Challenges <main class="content"> <div class="page__content" data-widget-def="ux3-layout-widget" data-widget-id="loi-toc"> <div class="container"> <div class="row padding-wrapper"> <div class="col-12 col-lg-8"> <div class="editorial-board"> <div class="expandable-accordion"> <div id="accordion952" class="bs-accordion"> <div id="id0" class="ed-board-table-wrapper bs-accordion__content collapse show"><img src="" /></div> <div class="ed-board-table-wrapper bs-accordion__content collapse show">The Editorial Board of the Journal of International Buddhist Studies (JIBS) is pleased to announce a call for submissions. We particularly encourage submission of papers related to Buddhism and contemporary themes. We invite scholars, researchers, advanced practitioners, and doctoral candidates to submit original, objective, and innovative academic studies that explore intersections between Buddhism and contemporary concerns. Papers that are accepted for publication in this SCOPUS-indexed academic journal are subject to rigorous peer review and editorial processes and reach a global audience.</div> <div class="ed-board-table-wrapper bs-accordion__content collapse show"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <div class="pb-las"> <p><strong>Subthemes: </strong></p> <p>JIBS is particularly interested in publishing high-quality articles on how Buddhism adapts, confronts, or prevails in contemporary contexts: economic, social, and cultural aspects of modern societies, universal philosophy, environmental sustainability, mindfulness, and mental health. Ethics and artificial intelligence, values, and social justice or gender equality; the wisdom of traditions in the age of globalization.</p> <p><strong>Submission Guidelines:</strong></p> <p>We welcome thoughtful contributions, including empirical research, academic studies, comparative analyses, and critical case studies. Submissions should conform to the following guidelines:</p> <p>- Language: English<br />- Length: 5,000-8,000 words, inclusive of references<br />- Format: Chicago style, as per journal specifications<br />- Abstract: A 200-250 word abstract must accompany all submissions.<br />- Keywords: Five to seven relevant keywords should be provided.</p> <p><strong>Timeline:</strong></p> <p>Deadlines for Full Paper Submission:<br />- 31 December 2024 (Planned Publication Date: March 2025)<br />- 5 April 2025 (Planned Publication Date: July 2025)</p> <p><strong>Submission Process:</strong></p> <p>Please submit your manuscript through our online submission system at: <br /><a href=""></a>.</p> <p>For detailed submission guidelines, kindly visit <br /><a href=""></a>. <br />Should you have any queries or require clarifications on specific issues, please do not hesitate to contact the Managing Editor via email at</p> <p><strong>Contact Information:</strong></p> <p>For inquiries related to the Call for Papers, please contact:</p> <p>- Email:<br />- Website:<br />- Phone: +6635 248072</p> <p>We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions and engaging with learned scholars on Buddhism across the globe to advance the discourse surrounding Buddhism and its vital role in addressing contemporary challenges.</p> </div> Journal of International Buddhist Studies 2024-11-28 JIBS Activities: JIBS met IBSC students <p>On Wednesday, March 13, 2024, the Associate Editor and Managing Editor of the Journal of International Buddhist Studies (JIBS) visited to introduce the journal to IBSC students. The aim is to offer guidance for students in preparing articles for publication in the journal. This session will highlight the distinctive features of the journal and assist students in identifying the best approach for their interests in a specific journal.</p> <p><img src="" alt="" width="940" height="788" /></p> Journal of International Buddhist Studies 2024-03-23 JIBS Activities: Scopus Journal Quality Meeting with TCI <p>The editorial team of the Journal of International Buddhist Studies, led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phrakhru Sutikittibundit, participated in a meeting titled "Guidelines for Enhancing Journal Quality After Inclusion in the Scopus Database." This meeting took place on Friday, December 8, 2023, at King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT).</p> <p>During the meeting, Prof. Dr. Narongrit Sombatsompop, the Head of TCI Center, who possesses extensive experience in collaborating with Scopus and improving journal quality within the Scopus database, shared valuable insights into the development guidelines for journals that have been accepted into the Scopus database. Participants also had the opportunity to learn from the successful journey of the journal "rEFLections," which transitioned from Tier 2 in the TCI database to a Q2 ranking in the Scopus database through the TCI-TSRI-Scopus project.</p> <p><img src="" alt="" width="940" height="788" /></p> Journal of International Buddhist Studies 2023-12-09